
St Ioannis is one of the parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, headed by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, and under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

A perusal of this web site will give you an idea of some of our Parish’s activities. The inner life of the Church however is where one finds the essence of the Church.

The Church is:
the communion of the faithful,
gathered together by the Holy Spirit,
united in the same faith, worship and obedience to Christ.
The Church is a divinely instituted and divinely sustained spiritual organism,
the Kingdom of God,
and the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth,
the Pillar and Ground of truth,
the treasury of Divine Grace,
the Ark of Salvation of sinful man.

Finding words to define the Church is difficult – the late Archbishop of Australia, Stylianos, put it as follows:

“The Church is the communion in Grace of the created and uncreated,
for the salvation of the created
and the glorification of the uncreated.”

“Η εν χάριτι κοινωνία κτιστού και ακτίστου,
προς σωτηρία του κτιστού
και δόξαν του ακτίστου.”
