
We are specialist employment lawyers.  Our principals have led employment and industrial relations practices at leading national and international law firms throughout their legal careers.

Our expertise is in employment and industrial relations litigation, workplace reform strategies, executive employment issues, discrimination law and workplace health and safety.

We are recognised as one of Australia’s leading employment law practices and are privileged to act for numerous blue chip corporate clients, small to medium corporates and leading individual executives.

Our focus as a firm is to build strong and long-term relationships with a select group of clients for whom we are trusted advisers. We understand that to do this we need to:

  • listen to you, and understand your business;
  • be available;
  • turn matters around quickly; and
  • approach your matter not just as a legal problem but as a business issue, the resolution of which requires, amongst other things, legal skills.

The advice we give is based first on what you are trying to accomplish. We then apply our employment law, negotiation and litigation skills to help you reach your goals.
